The Private Investigator Data Protection

Posted 10:00 8 August 2014

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We all need a data protection refresher course every now and then. This post looks at the Data Protection Act 1998 and the implications for Private Investigators.

Recent reports in the national newspapers about the activities of Glenn Mulcaire highlight the need to bear the Act in mind when carrying out investigations. It should be noted that Glenn was working as an ‘in house’ private investigator and not as a Private Investigator when he allegedly used dubious techniques to gather intel. He was imprisoned for 6 months. In January this year there were huge fines and prosecution costs levied against 5 people, ranging from £2,000 – £7,000 inclusive.

Private Investigator Data Protection Uses.

Now we know why it is important from a personal point of view, who wants to risk huge fines or even prison. There are simple checks you can carry out to ensure you are acting within the Act:

These are guidelines that have been issued from the Information Commissioners Office, These include general guidelines for holders of information and for private investigator data protection.
private investigator data protection