Surveillance Cases

Surveillance cases undertaken by Alpha 1 Legal Services

Private Investigator of the Year 2014/15 Acquisition International Awards

Below is a selection of surveillance cases footage that we have compiled during our extensive investigations. Some are actors replaying actual investigations, others are actual footage of surveillance investigations.

Surveillance Cases – Case 1

In this footage, you will see a re-construction of an investigation we helped with where the subject was claiming he could not go back to work. He claimed he was now suffering from a fear of heights (he was a scaffolder for a large company by trade).

Surveillance Cases – Case 2
In this footage you will see a re-construction of an insurance fraud case we conducted for a client. The subject claimed in his ‘particulars of claim’ form that he could no longer play golf as it was too painful. He also claimed he could not walk more than a few steps without being in excruciating pain.

Surveillance Cases – Case 3
In this footage you will see actual scenes from a covert camera that we installed in a vase at an hotel, after the client had reported a spate of thefts happening in the guests rooms.

Surveillance Cases – Case 4
In the following clips you will see actual surveillance footage from one of four covert cameras installed. We were contacted by the family of an elderly lady on the suspicion that money was going missing from her home. Our cameras were installed for a period of 1 week.

and another day

Surveillance Cases (fly tipping)- Case 5
In the following clip, you will see actual footage of fly tippers and fly tipping in action. They were caught and prosecuted.