It is a regular occurrence for our private investigator in Bedford to be asked to carry out infidelity investigations. We have selected a case from a few weeks ago to tell you about today.
A higher proportion of our infidelity cases are brought by women. In this case it was a man. (Let’s call him Peter. Although that’s not really his name.) He rang our private investigator in Bedford. The team received the call on a Friday afternoon. Peter was very distressed. Our investigator managed to accurately piece together the story.
Peter had been married for 10 years. He had tried to collect and record the evidence of infidelity himself. He had struggled because he did not have access to the type of technology that would give clear images to present in the Bedford Divorce Court. (All new cases are to be submitted to the Bury St Edmonds Divorce Centre.) Peter also suspected that his wife was hiding assets to help her start a new life without him.
Our private investigator in Bedford broke the case down into two sections:
- Getting the evidence of the infidelity. In order to do this our private investigator in Bedford used our high tech visual and audio recording equipment to catch her in the act. The recordings were accurately date and time stamped.
- Finding any hidden assets: The investigator used legal methods of investigation to trace financial activities of the household. This highlighted that a fairly significant sum was disappearing from the account on a regular basis.
When Peter was given the comprehensive evidence gathered during our investigation, he was able to go to Court and get an injunction to stop the removal of money and assets and initiate divorce proceedings. All of this was achieved within a week of the initial contact from Peter.
If you are in Bedford or beyond and need the services of a professional private investigator, please contact our office on the email address or phone number above/below.