How do you hire Process Servers?
To hire process servers in the U.K. is easy. It is estimated that there are somewhere in the region of about a thousand Private Investigators working as Process Servers in the UK. A Process Server is someone who delivers court documents and legal documents to companies and members of the general public.
So how do you choose which one is best for you?
Firstly you need to make sure that they provide the service that you need. The services that are usually offered range from serving:
- Statutory Demands
- Possession Orders
- Notice to Quit Orders
- Divorce Petitions
- Witness Summons
amongst other things.
Secondly, You will also need to make sure that they have Professional Process Servers in the actual area where you want your document to be served. If they don’t they may charge extra for travel or mileage (normally the case with Legal Aid work). Alpha 1 Legal Services can in most cases organise a Process Server internationally too.
Thirdly, the Process Server that you choose should be able to provide you with a detailed itemised bill. This is so that you can check exactly what you have paid for as the Process Server may attempt to deliver the document more than once. Process Servers often charge a flat fee, however that fee can vary depending on a range of factors including the travel, the type of document they are required to serve and the speed that the document needs to be served. The sooner you need it done the higher the price you will tend to pay.
Fourthly, you are likely to need other legal services, such as traveller eviction or Certificated Enforcement Agent (Bailiff) services for example. It may be worth looking to see if the company you choose to use as your Process Server also provides these services, as you will build a good working relationship with the company.
Lastly, when choosing a Process Server you should check they have a thorough understanding of the Civil Procedure Rules that govern the court system in England and Wales.
These are of course just some of the things that you should consider. Here at Alpha 1 Legal Services we believe recommendations and testimonials should be available for you to check.