You may have noticed that in the last few posts there has been a theme. We have looked at the different ways you can find hard evidence that you have a cheating spouses. This was including the use of a private investigator.
So you have found out that your one true love is no longer true to you. Cheating spouses, here is a list of things you should and should not do.
Cheating Spouses – The Do’s & Dont’s!
- Make rash decisions. Take your time to consider all your options. Anger can make you act in a way that would not be in your best interests.
- Take revenge by cutting up clothes or damaging the vehicle belonging to your ex or the bit on the side – You could end up with a conviction for criminal damage.
- Assault the cheat or the other person – again this will probably cause you more long term harm than them because you could end up with a conviction.
- Bottle up your feelings. Find a confidante. Make sure that the person that you confide in is not the object of your partners affection though. It often helps to have someone to talk and perhaps even vent to.
You should:
- Decide whether you want to continue the relationship. This should be the first thing you think about because it will affect what you do next.
- If you are unwilling to attempt to salvage the relationship then the next step is to decide who moves out of the home. Consider this carefully because once you leave it will be harder to move back in. You must also consider whether you can actually afford to live in the property, especially important if there will be no maintenance payments to help defer the costs. You may need to consider selling the property if you’re unable to buy the other partner out.
- Examine the finances. If you are married these things will be formalised in the divorce, however if you are in one of the many couples who live together for a lot of years without this security net. Even if you are married it is worth trying to decide who will take over existing debt as soon as possible so the debt doesn’t go into arrears. Consider how you will divide any current and future financial assets. If you are married or in a civil partnership you may be entitled to a portion of your partner’s pension.
These lists are not exhaustive, and everyone in this situation has different needs but one universal piece of advice is not to act until you are sure one way or the other. Alpha 1 Legal Services will handle any case of this nature with the utmost sensitivity and discretion.