On Monday, our bailiff traveller eviction team in Birmingham received a call.
The traveller eviction in Birmingham bailiff heard that a group travellers had turned up on her private land overnight. She said that she had been to ask them to leave, but, was met with a tirade of verbal abuse. She also said that they had asked for money per caravan to leave. Which she refused to do.
After speaking with the prospective client, and, explaining how the eviction would be carried out, she gave the go ahead. Within 20 minutes, one of the traveller eviction in birmingham bailiffs was on the way to serve the notice to vacate.
Upon arrival, he ascertained that there were, 4 caravans, 5 vehicles and 2 trailers on site. The traveller eviction in Birmingham bailiff spoke to a female there who was very pleasant. He explained why he was there and explained they had to move. She stated none of the men were there at that time, but would be back later. She said she would see what they said.
Our bailiff traveller eviction team were told they hadn’t moved. Therefore at 8am the next day the team turned up. The bailiffs began knocking on the caravans and rousing the occupants. It was all very amicable with no shouting etc, until 1 male got up. The sole male was very aggressive towards the bailiff traveller eviction in Birmingham team. The police were called and he was arrested for a breach of the peace.
Whilst all this was going on, the other occupants quietly packed up their belongings and hitched up their caravans etc to their vehicles. All caravans & vehicles had left the site within 3 hours of our bailiff traveller eviction team turning up. The client was over the moon with our service. She said she would recommend us to other landowners in the area.
Yet again, another successful job completed within 24 hours and no need for a Court Order, with the trespassers being on your land for long periods.
If you need a traveller eviction in Birmingham, come to the experts!